Friday, July 29, 2011

Time to Move

Lately I've been stagnant, unable to move.
But it's time to move.
There is no time to waste.
I must remind myself to put my armour on each day.
What is that sound I hear?
It's the sound of galloping hooves approaching.
The King is sitting atop His white horse,
He is radiant white.
I must prepare for Him.
Are you ready?

In My Brokenness

There is always a battle going on around me and sometimes I am more aware of it than others.
Sometimes I picture myself kneeling on the floor, my emotions overwhelming me.
Pieces of broken glass around me.
I say to myself there must be more.
I rise to my feet in the midst of my brokenness.
Standing there waiting for me, is the One whom I follow.
Lifting my chin, He wipes tears from my cheeks.
I lock eyes with His.
Taking His hands, I know He has everything under control.
He has much more to show me and teach me.
I want to follow His lead.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Turning Tide

There is an urgency in the air.
Change must come.
We want to see You.
We want to see people drawn to You.
We want to see miracles.
We need to feel Your presence once again.
It is like ice thawing after a long winter.
It is like a flower that blooms, its pedals opening towards the sun.
The urgency is like a whirlpool that rages.
At times, it is hard to bare.
You are the only one who can turn the tide.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Quiet Reflections

Published in the TRU Omega in July 2011
For me, summer is a time of contemplation and reflection. Many people may find this difficult. We are busy with school, work, families, hobbies and other responsibilities. There are a few advantages to being in a wheelchair. I believe that having time to contemplate and reflect is one of them.

Recently I had the privilege of travelling to Maui with a few of my family members. I had the opportunity to absorb the beautiful scenery. The rock formations are majestic and amazing. The calmness of the distant turquoise ocean contrasts the gigantic whitecaps crashing into shore. The gentle breeze brings a sense of relaxation and the warmth of the sun lifts my spirit.

I had the opportunity to experience being in the ocean one day. I loved how my body felt weightless, how the tightness of my muscles left me and how the sand felt between my toes.

I enjoyed watching my one year old nephew experience the ocean for the first time. It was comedic and a joy to watch him get sand everywhere and get gently pushed over by the waves.

One day when I was sitting in my wheelchair sun bathing, a couple of questions came to mind. What do people think when they see me sitting here? Do they feel sorry that I can’t do some of the things that they are doing? That I can’t splash around in the waves? Or are they looking at my body not knowing that I am whole and healthy on the inside?

There are some difficulties that can arise when it comes to travelling with a disability. My normal routine is interrupted and I don’t have access to the equipment I often need to go about my day. There are times when I have to accomplish tasks differently.

I attempt to take in every experience that I have been given. My family and I went on a boat trip to the islet of Molokini.  While they went snorkeling, I waited on the boat.  Some people may think I would be upset about this but I have learned to find happiness in every situation.  Don’t get me wrong it is not always easy. I struggle with this on a daily basis but this time I enjoyed mingling and interacting with the people coming on and off the boat. Once, a crewman was nice enough to rush me over to a window just in time to see a turtle poking his head out of the water. On two separate occasions, I witnessed beautiful rainbows spread across the sky, reminding me to be grateful for what I have and take in every moment.
I appreciate the time I have to reflect and being in a different environment reminded me to make the most of those times every day. I am encouraged anew to ponder the tough questions that sometimes run through my mind and not take anything for granted.

Relaxation of Summer with a Twist

Published in the TRU Omega in June 2011
Summer is finally here. We have made it through another year of studying, assignments and lectures. Those of you who are reading this are likely in the midst of taking summer school. I took this summer off, but I will be in the same position as you next year.

Sometimes we have to do things we may not want to do to benefit our future. There are a few pros to taking summer school: First, you can convince your professors to conduct your classes outside and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. Secondly, you can achieve your goal of obtaining your degree faster, or reducing your course load in the upcoming semesters. Thirdly, the semester feels like it goes by quickly because the course material is condensed.

Let’s get back to summer vacation and relaxing. There are endless recreational possibilities to explore in the Kamloops area. Camping, hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, waterfall exploring, horseback riding, boating, visiting beaches and swimming are just a few of the adventures that you can enjoy. 
There is also Music in the Park at Riverside every night at 7:00 from July 1st to August 31st and the Kamloopa Pow Wow on July 29-31st.  
 Don’t forget to join the Canada Day celebration at Riverside Park on July 1st.  

 If you don’t mind traveling a bit farther, British Columbia offers beautiful scenery including mountains, lakes and rivers. If you would like more information on some of these activities, visit: or .

Summer is a time for rest and relaxation, but it is also important to keep your mind active. Why not participate in an activity relating to your field? Perhaps you could gain employment or get a volunteer position that contributes experience and knowledge to your educational and future career goals. For myself, I have found that reading and writing throughout the summer helps keep me mentally sharp.

In the summer, you have the chance to do things that you always wanted to do but couldn’t because you were in school.  Personally, I have already had the opportunity to experience a few adventures: I had the chance to do a photo shoot with one of my fellow journalism classmates just for fun. I have also continued to write for the Omega, and other various newsletters. One of my passions is to create awareness and advocate for people with disabilities. I had the privilege to write and co-present a speech for the proclamation to city council for “Disability Awareness Week.”

For the relaxation part of my summer, I will be traveling to Maui for the first time to experience a Luau, a Hawaiian theatre production, a boat ride to the crater of an old volcano and of course the tropical sunshine!

This summer, I hope that you also have the opportunity to combine work and school with fun and relaxation.

Once Again

Intercession is rising.
Roaring from within me.
There is a deep, guttural cry that comes from within my soul.
We need you.
Come Lord Jesus, come.
Show Yourself strong.