Friday, September 23, 2011

Fully Engaged

I desire to be fully engaged in all facets of my life. What does that mean to me you may ask? It means being fully connected to my surroundings; to my family and friends; to be fused together with my Heavenly Father and to gain my nourishment for my soul from His Word.

I become afraid when I become complacent.

I must realign myself and continually engage.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Hiding Place

You are there in my weakness.
You shelter me.
You are my peace.
You are my refuge.
Your gentle hand heals me.
Wrapping Yourself around me, I hide in Your safety.

Cover Me

Cover me with Your grace.
Cover me with Your mercies, afresh each day.
Shield me from the filth of this world.
Protect me.
Help me attack the tasks of life with fervor and precision.
Help me be acutely aware of my surroundings.
Cover me with the warmth of a blanket.
Cover me with Your Spirit.


I am motivated to learn.
I am motivated to teach,
To give all of myself.
Why do people question me?
Why do they question my abilities?
I just want to assist people in achieving their goals and dreams.
I just want to be who I am supposed to be.
I just want to have my own relationships without any hindrances .
I just want to be who I am.
I don't understand it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Hidden Treasures

Take in every moment.
Didn't let them pass you by.
Always puzzles to solve.
New treasures to discover.
There are times when you have to dig deep as you can.
Sometimes you have to cut away the rough edges to reveal hidden treasures inside.

In the Silence

In the silence, I hear Your whispers.
In the silence I hear the loud shouts.
In the silence I hear a beckoning,
Someone calling my name, directing my every move.
I listen carefully in the stillness.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Remove The Veil

Remove the veil from my eyes.
Allow me to see clearly.
Do not hinder my peripheral vision.
Allow me to hear Your voice loud and clear and help me not to be distracted by circumstance.
I pray for wisdom: Guide me, each step.
I can't take one step without You.
I ask You to refill me with Your Spirit each day.

At Your Alter

I come to Your alter, once again.
With all of my brokeness and pain.
I ask You to wash it all away and create something beautiful that pours out of me to others.
It's time for me to step into a new day.
I pray You would guide my footsteps.
Open my eyes to see.
Open my ears to hear.
I lay everything at Your altar.
Allow me to do as You will,
Giving off a fragrance to everyone I meet.